Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

One of the hardest parts of quitting is managing nicotine cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

NRTs are products that provide you with a low level of nicotine without the tar, carbon monoxide and other poisonous chemicals present in tobacco smoke.

It can help reduce unpleasant withdrawal effects, such as bad moods and cravings, which may occur when you stop smoking.

NRT is a licensed medicine and there are very few risks from using it. It can help you to manage your cravings and is far less harmful than smoking. For example, a slow-release patch can help you manage the background craving and a fast-acting patch can help when you feel the sudden urge to smoke.

NRT products are available as:
  • skin patches
  • chewing gum
  • inhalators (which look like plastic cigarettes)
  • tablets, oral strips and lozenges
  • nasal and mouth spray
  • Vapes 

Patches release nicotine slowly. Some are worn all the time and some should be taken off at night. Inhalators, gum and sprays act more quickly and may be better for helping with cravings.

There's no evidence that any single type of NRT is more effective than another. But there is good evidence to show that using a combination of NRT is more effective than using a single product.

Often the best way to use NRT is to combine a patch with a faster acting form such as gum, inhalator or nasal spray.

Treatment with NRT usually lasts 8-12 weeks, before you gradually reduce the dose and eventually stop.


A vape is an electronic device that delivers nicotine in a vapour. This allows you to inhale nicotine without most of the harmful effects of smoking, as the vapour contains no tar or carbon monoxide.

Research has found that vapes can help you give up smoking, so you may want to try them rather than the medications listed above. As with other approaches, they're most effective if used with support from a stop smoking service. 41% of people that use vapes quit successfully.

Unlike other NRT, vapes are not commonly given as a prescription, however, Stop For Life Oxon is able to offer 12 weeks of vape supply via the Swap to Stop Scheme, subject to eligibility.

Vapes are available on both the level 2 and level 3 support.

Find out more here 

Please contact us on 0800 122 3790 for advice and guidance from the Stop for Life Oxon team.


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