If you are a professional and wish to contact Stop for Life Oxon please complete the enquiry form below.

You can also refer patients using NHS Mail referrals.stopforlife@nhs.net - or by completing the referral form here

Please note the eligibility criteria for Level 3 referrals:

  • Living or working in the 10 most deprived LSOA wards in Oxfordshire
  • Adults in routine and manual occupations, have never worked or unemployed, sick/disabled and unable to return to work and carers: aged 16 years of age and over and as defined by occupation status (according to the Standard Occupational Classification)
  • Pregnant women: Defined as a woman who is pregnant at the time of accessing the Service.
  • Adults with mental ill health aged 16 years of age and over (including Drug and Alcohol Misuse): Defined as residents/employees who at the time of accessing the Service are diagnosed with a mental health condition, in contact with (now or in the previous 12 months) a Mental Health service and/or Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service.
  • Adults admitted to secondary care settings or living with an LTC aged 16 years of age and over: Defined as residents/employees who have been referred from a secondary care or primary care setting with a LTC, as defined by Quality and Outcomes Framework. This includes, but is not limited to, residents/employees diagnosed with a respiratory condition (asthma or COPD), a circulatory disease, a metabolic disease or cancer

Healthcare Professionals Enquiry Form

Your name is required
Your email is required
An organisation name is required
A reason for contact is required
A message is required

Level 1 Self Support

Level 2 Assisted Self-Support

Level 3 Specialist Support